We are proactively solving the mental health crisis in our learning environments.
We are a team of passionate culture & wellbeing coaches, mental health experts, and child psychologists who transform learning environments culture.
HumanizEDU takes proactive steps in solving the mental health crisis in schools with our training and coaching programs designed to create psychologically safe learning environments.
Our team provides support not only to students but also to teachers, administrators and staff alike – with our holistic Me. We. School. Model.
Our coaching & training programs help you achieve strategic yearly metrics goals that align with your improvement plan.
years of successfully running this curriculum across the US
increase in graduation rates
increase in teacher retention
Individual Development
Become A Certified Culture & Wellbeing Coach
Are You Ready to Make a Difference?
Join a growing movement of educators who are redefining success by prioritizing connection, empathy, and wellbeing. Bring joy and purpose back into your work—and help create a school culture where everyone thrives.
Yes, I’m ready:
I am an educator.
We are a company. -
Let’s change this! Together we can make sure that you know exactly what to do right now to bring joy back into your life and classroom.
Get actionable steps to increase your happiness in just 3 minutes!
Ready to take your internal culture to the next level?
Take 10 minutes to assess where you are now and we'll send you a personalized report with actionable steps to accelerate your growth.
This tool is designed to show individuals the blind spots that may exist within your everyday world. You will walk away with a visual roadmap with personalized steps to improve your internal culture today.
It takes just 10 minutes
It’s completely free!
Receive customized results instantly
Take 10 minutes to assess where your culture is now and we'll send you a personalized report with actionable steps to accelerate your growth.
This tool is designed to show school leaders and executives the blind spots that may exist within the working and learning environment. You will walk away with a visual roadmap with personalized steps to improve your culture today.
It takes just 10 minutes
It’s completely free
Receive customized results instantly
School Pricing Varies
Imagine building a thriving central hub of positivity within your educational community. With custom coaching, we will establish a unique leadership and culture curriculum that is designed specifically to fulfill your particular set of requirements and needs to best meet your school community.
Free Online Collaborative Group
Most people think of consciousness as simply being aware; however, being sensitive, accurate, clear, and perceptive are also fitting representations. Join us in this circle of like-minds so that you can benefit and perfect these attributes for a heightened state of performance. Collaborate anytime, anywhere through our free Facebook Group.
Customizable Services
School Development Culture & Leadership Growth Workshops
for Admin Team
"The Principals' Circle" / 90-Minute Monthly Mastermind
Certified Culture & Wellbeing Coaches Training
Personalized School Culture Legacy Building
School Psychology, Behavioral Health & Academic Support
Comprehensive Youth Focused Mental Health Plan (MHP)
Keynote & Professional Development Speaking Engagements
Secondary Programs
Through our global leadership and powerful connections, HumanizEDU is able to bring you additional programs through affiliate partners that enrich your experience with us. Just make sure to use the links below for special rates and to let our partners know you heard about them through us!
There are eight (8) Talent Dynamics profiles. Each represents a certain mix of energy, thinking and action styles. The profiles are not a label but an entrance point to understand yourself in terms of how you act and think as well as the types of roles that you might be suited to. Find out your unique profile today for $87 and save $10 with HumanizEDU. An access code to complete test will be sent to you immediately after purchase from our friends at GeniusU.
GeniusU is home to the global entrepreneur movement, with over 1,000,000 social entrepreneurs collaborating together to grow their income and impact. Accelerate your learning with tools from top Mentors on GeniusU, and personalized recommendations on what the best next step is for you.